vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Coup de gueule!

Even if you want to destroy everything around you ...Keep smiling....

Sometimes everything going on the wrong way.... 
You just have to wait for a better day ...and keep believe in yourself.... 
I decided to not doing the last WQS in Azores for be a part of the french team in Ireland. 
JUst cause I love my team and its the best experience you can have to be   a part of your national team. in all sport's career  you have to take decison and make a choice ..
Ireland with the french team was my choice . And I was here for win the title!
When you a part of a team you just feel all this massive and  positive energy..and you feel you can push all your limits..
But feel everything go on a wrong  way..
this morning I left our hotel's room super motivated. We were in semis final with my  french team mate against two portugueses. that was suppose to be a good heat not easy but just france against portugal... 
Unfortunately after 2 min i was sitting  between the Portuguese and I couldn't take any good waves.. 
they just was playing with me ..ANd i felt so alone and impotent front of the situation! 
So i went straight to the second heat draw..last chance for win... 

WAves was insane.. the tide was a little bit low.. but i was so exited to surf! 
My heat wasn't suppose to be a hard one.. And my team and I didn t understand  the scores yet... thought my surf  was enough for get through..but sometimes.. you don't know why.. but they just underscores you.. and that's it..

That s the worst feeling when you lost an event because the panel of judges are incompetent  .. 
your team manager  can fight for you and try to change the  final decision but when the heat is over this is over.. that 's it! .... 
So here we go! they just break my goal to win this title .
hopefully we are a strong team, and we are stand together and we keep going on the
 team title race! And I am sure ..we gonna win! cause i believe in karma!

some judges pushed us out of  the event, Hugo Savalli , Jules Thomet and I were unfortunetaly  victims of unfair decision... but we keep the head up! 
It s important to tell  and show them ,they were wrong! 

That was essential for me to denounce this!
so yep.. that's it ! you won  a battle but not the war!! 
And .. our judges are human so I guess they can make mistake.. but  i hope that wasn't volunteer mistake for pushing their team up! 
that's for what all the frenchies  are motivate and ready to get the show on! 
Good to have my blog for write all my feeling and grudge of this event! 
sometimes we have to keep polite and politically correct in sport if we don t want to have trouble... so the best defense is to : 

  • keep smiling
  • Stay positive 
  • letting go all the grudge..

And pass through this .. tomorow is an another day
And tomorow we gonna wake up for win the  team race ! So be ready.... frenchy's are on fire!!!!! 
woop woop!!!

see you ...or not.. let's have a drink now! 

lundi 19 septembre 2011

Des vagues et des enfants

Aujourd hui j ai eu la chance de partager un instant de bonheur avec les enfants de l association "des vagues et des enfants "
LEs conditions marine ne permettant pas de faire surfer les gamins , nous somme allé a Bayonne sur la Nive  pour faire de la pirogue et du stand-up.
Encore un moment d'émotion et des sourires que je veux garder gravé.

Demain apres-midi nous serons a Anglet sur la plage de Marinela  avec tous les gamins et encore de jolie moment en perspective!

Des vagues et des enfants from SURF SESSION TV on Vimeo.

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

New LOok!! Do you like it??

Just change the look of my blog!!!  Do you like it!!??
 Don't hesitate to share  any advice or idea..
Also you can follow me on twitter now via my blog! so don't waste your time!
woop woop woop!!
stay tuned!

Coucou ,
je viens juste de changer la présentation de mon blog. Qu'en pensez-vous?
N'hésitez pas a partager votre point de vue ou idées  .... je serai ravi d 'améliorer mon blog ...
Dorénavant vous avez accès  a mon compte twitter directement par mon blog.
Donc n hésitez plus et suivez moi au plus vite!
A très vite les amis!

HEY there!! what's up? Did You miss me!!!

I am just back home  from two contests... And unfortunately two bad results... aaaarrghh... Contest are tough!
 Few month ago I thought I was sick of competing.. But after a good summer break I realize I am not sick of competing.. But I am sick of loosing in contest !! Really!!
I put too much pressure on me in contest. And that's not gonna work like this!
I just want have fun in contest, and push myself to the limit!
That' s for what I decided to not going to Azores for the last WQS of the season.
But instead I am going In Ireland for the ISA Euro's
I am going there cause:

  • I want finish on the first step and see the French flag flying up to my face ! 
  • I love to be a part of the French team! We have a such a good team! 
  • I love  support my team mate. 
  • I wanna listen  "La Marseillaise" 
  • ANNNNDDD I want to surf a powerful left!! hahahah!!! 

So that's it! LEts do this!
I am leaving on Wednesday and I will send you fresh news  really quick! Promise!
Stay tuned!

Salut tous le monde,
De retour de deux compétitions ( Sri Lanka et Espagne) malheureusement ce fut un échec ... Au début de l'été j'ai cru être fatigué des compétitions... Mais après deux mois de break loin des Contest ... j'ai vraiment réalisé que ce n'était pas les compétitions le problème... car j'adore la compétition... mais je déteste perdre et je suis fatigué de perdre... 
La compétition est tellement cruelle... On part a l'autre bout du monde et on a 30 min pour donner le meilleur de nous-mêmes... sinon ... tu n'a pas de seconde chance... c'est fini! 
Je pars avec trop de pression et ça ne fonctionnera pas tant que je ne prendrai pas de plaisir dans mes séries! 
C'est pour cela que j'ai décidé de partir avec l'Équipe de France en Irlande pour les Championnats d'Europe plutôt que de faire la dernière étape du tour WQS aux acores .
Car :

  • je rêve de finir sur la plus haute marche et regarder le drapeau Français vole au-dessus de ma tête! 
  • J'adore faire partie de L'Équipe de France et c'est une fierté que de représenter La France . 
  • J'adore encourager mon équipe .
  • Je rêve d'entendre la Marseillaise à tout va et en avoir la chair de poule! 
et surtout... je rêve de surfer une gauche qui pousse! 

Donc voilà! y a plus cas! 
Alors restez connecté! des news très vite! 